Blog | Bintel

Notes from the CEO’s Desk – 2022 Almost in the Books

Written by Tom Marsh | November 10 2022

Notes from the CEO’s Desk – 2022 Almost in the Books 

First, I’ll acknowledge that I missed my monthly goal for this post though we’ve been busy working hard to update our website, LinkedIn pages and social media accounts. Still small, its always a strain to keep up. Most of the big news is already in our posts, so I hope you’ve been following us.   

New Contracts and New Solutions 

Bintel builds solutions to intelligence problems using artificial intelligence and has been for over ten years. While I talked last post about our ability to find the right combination of technology, subject matter expertise, and data, our strength often times comes from years of experience and the many projects we completed. These past two months have demonstrated that sometimes if you’re early, you just need to stay in the game until it breaks your way. New projects in Huntsville and Denver have underscored that point, and the recently announced Vidlet collaboration has us fired up going into the holidays.  

I started working with NASA Marshall Space Flight Center in 2016 building topic classifiers for research and technology roadmaps. Two more projects followed, all while demonstrating the value of our approach for engineering, portfolio management and trade studies. Recently contracted for a market survey, we’re leveraging previous projects on product management, research, patent search, personnel and companies by continuing to build off the vision that developed over the past six years. I'll have more on that when we announce our platform for the commercial space industry in 2023. I couldn’t be more excited about it.

At the same time, projects providing analytics from free text customer surveys and stock market transcripts have come back to life with the Vidlet collaboration and Melanie Marsh’s experience and network in trend and customer insights. While our previous solutions performed well, there was not enough innovation in that space to differentiate Bintel from large platforms that served up basic dashboards. Vidlet video and their understanding of major brands integrated with our technology delivers audience insights. Brands are no longer just about product but defined by the customer’s digital experience across the full product life cycle. Brands that create the best experience will win and we can give them an edge. 

Miscellaneous Updates 

We’ve surpassed $1 million in revenue for 2022 and will finish the year with 300% growth over 2021. Since my last post, we added another person to grow to 15 employees, with two others moving from contract to full-time. We now have five remote employees, including two in San Diego. We are up to 5 women on the staff and continue to recruit towards our DEI goals.  

Completion of the requirements for SOC2 is on the home stretch and our platform for new clients is nearing release with a beautiful AWS cloud solution. We still plan to acquire NIST, ISO 27001 and FedRAMP certifications for our organization and our application. We use Jira for sprint management and have personnel assigned to QA of all deliverables. We continue to run on Microsoft 365 and Slack.   

As alwasy, please let us know what you think.