May 16 2024

Hu-AI Bintels Augmented Intelligence for Wildfire

Fusing Firefighting Expertise with the power of AI

Come see Bintel and Athena's Microtalk at FACO's Colorado Wildland Fire Conference in October at Snowmass.  We'll discuss our approach and offer guidelines for the firefighting community on how and where to think about the benefits of artificial intelligence.  Both firms have been in AI for a long time and have some strong opinions about what it can and can't do.

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May 08 2024

Trigger Point - Bintel's Evacuation Planning

Evacuation Planning – Trigger Point Modeling

Bintel’s Trigger Point modeling calculates how long it will take a fire to reach a value-at-risk, hence the trigger for a resident to evacuate safely. Traditional fire behavior techniques model fire moving away from a pre-determined point of ignition, while Bintel’s modeling starts away from an evacuation route and calculates how long the fire will take to reach the road from any potential ignition point on the landscape. This produces a map of the time that responders have to save lives and property.

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April 23 2024

Denali Borough CWPP - Redefining Wildland

Notes from the Denali Borough Project Kickoff

The Bintel Team was excited to win the contract to update two CWPPs and write two more covering the Denali Borough in Alaska.  The three day kickoff trip was a great series of meetings, tours and public engagement that was expertly orchestrated by the Borough team and partners.  The landscape is as rugged as one can imagine and the people are warm and friendly.  That said, this is not WUI as we know it. This is just Wild, no UI.  For now I offer up some pics and commentary from my first visit, but watch for more on the unique attributes of this CWPP project later this year.

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March 27 2024

Bintel Partners with Athena Intelligence

Bintel Adds Next Generation Wildfire Probability Analytics to It's Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) Services
Bintel is delighted to announce the integration of Athena's WPA into it's Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) project services for the western United States. Collaborating with Athena Intelligence and integrating their advanced conditional, artificial intelligence, wildfire risk assessment tool, Bintel's vision for "living CWPPs" takes a big step forward.
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March 20 2024

Bintel and Fire Adaptive Solutions Partner

Bintel and Fire Adaptive Solutions Team to Develop New and Upgrade Existing CWPPs

We are pleased to introduce our new collaboration with Marc McDonald and Fire Adaptive Solutions (FAS). FAS's McDonald is one the most experienced experts in the country in Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPP). FAS is the latest to join our wildfire team with FirePoint Forestry and Athena Intelligence to help reduce the West's backlog of new and outdated CWPPs.

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December 12 2023

#30daymapchallenge Day 15: OpenStreetMap

30 Day Map Challenge Day 15: OpenStreetMap

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December 12 2023

Bintel Maps Update v1.3

Introducing the Latest Features in Bintel Maps Version 1.3

Discover the exciting new updates in Bintel Maps Version 1.3! We are continuously working to enhance your experience, and this version brings a range of exciting features and improvements. Stay up to date with the latest changes by subscribing to our newsletter.

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November 30 2023

#30daymapchallenge Day 12: South America

30 Day Map Challenge Day 12: South America

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November 29 2023

#30daymapchallenge Day 13: Chloropleth

30 Day Map Challenge Day 13: Chloropleth

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November 28 2023

#30daymapchallenge Day 20: Outdoors

30 Day Map Challenge Day 20: Outdoors

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