Technology is accelerating innovation, development, and production to speeds never before seen in the modern world. Organizations unable to integrate technology effectively into their businesses are at a strategic and competitive disadvantage.

In the Aerospace and Defense industry, subpar performance can translate directly into mission failure or even loss of life. Due to the sensitive nature of the work failure is not an option. Organizations require sound intelligence to inform their decisions.


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Ground Truth Intelligence Systems

Knowing how to use data is one of the biggest impediments to unlocking and realizing its potential value. Whether your business is built around humans on the battlefield, planes in the sky, ships at sea, rockets, or satellites in space, there is a common goal – mission success. Our scalable, end-to-end solution optimizes organizational functions by blending human involvement with technological support.

Intelligence is the most critical factor in decision-making. Firms need systems that generate informed, reliable intelligence that is grounded in truth. Further, the high-quality output from these systems must be consistent despite running in an environment that is dynamic and constantly improving. Bintel offers solutions that not only meet these requirements but are tailored specifically to the needs and applications of your activities.



Aggregating data into a searchable database and summarizing in visual dashboards only tells you what has happened - not what might happen. Drawing on many years of experience in predictive analytics, our data scientists can apply machine learning to your data to build and train models that can give you a glimpse into what might happen in the future, into which technology is sufficiently developed for use, into which piece of equipment is most likely to fail next, and when.





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We have helped commercial organizations and their government partners with their data problems. We create intelligence solutions that deliver meaningful insights to your decision-making process. Whether your business is just starting out or has decades of experience, it is critical to stay current with rapidly shifting technologies and capabilities. Our data experts utilize the most current technologies to provide flexible, efficient, and cost-effective architectures to serve your needs. Bintel can support your organization in harnessing the power of the right data for your mission.


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